The EIB report on the Nature Based Solutions state of the market is out now.
The latest EIB – EU Commission report BwB coauthored has been published today and BwB participated at the launch presentation in Brussels.
Discover the most comprehensive assessment of EU NBS projects ever published to date, the lessons learned from 60+ investment institutions and a toolkit for public and private banks to unlock and build NBS pipelines.
You can find out more about the report at this link: https://www.eib.org/en/press/all/2023-217-nature-based-solutions-eib-report-finds-scope-for-regulatory-and-subsidy-reforms-as-well-as-a-more-flexible-spectrum-of-financial-instruments?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=PressRelease&utm_content=NBSreport&utm_term=ClimateAction-Environment_na&utm_id=2023-06-08_01_en
For further inquiries and proposals on NBS and the role BwB can play in unlocking NBS finance, please reach out to Fiona Blythe or Tommaso Buso.