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Happy International Women’s Day!

The theme for IWD 2023 is Embrace Equity - BwB underscored our commitment to Equity by formally incorporating Gender, Diversity and Inclusive Finance as one of our core sectors earlier this year. We are committed to embedding this principle into everything we do, as a more equitable world is a better one for all of us, and crucially better for the climate as well.

BwB look forward to continuing to work with our partners on women's access to capital & finance, financial inclusion, and gender and sustainable finance, including at the 2023 Spring Meetings of the World Bank and IMF in April.

“BwB are proud to have elevated our focus on this topic and will have more to share with our partners in the coming weeks and months. In the meantime, we are reflecting on this year’s IWD theme as without equity we won’t make the progress we need to a just and inclusive future for everyone. IWD is not just a day to celebrate women and our achievements, but an opportunity to discuss, share ideas, and take action. We are a long way from where we were, but we still have a long way to travel from here. Onwards!”, commented Heather Matson, Executive Director, Global Head Gender, Diversity & Inclusive Finance.


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